frontalFx parietalFx occiptalFx occiptalFx orbitFx orbitFx nasalFx temporalFx convexitymass OrbitMass MidlineMass cerebellarInfarct central_grayInfarct basalSAH IVH midlineSAH convexitySAH lobarInfarct midlineSDH convexitySDH tentorialSDH frontotemporalIPH frontotemporalIPH clivalSDH convexitySDH
(brightness proportionate to frequency)

Hover for descriptions. Click for examples.
  • Missed hemorrhages tend to be thin/small or along the tentorium and falx.
  • Look for small contusions anterior, inferior frontal and temporal lobes.
  • Nondisplaced fractures can be subtle. Look at occipital bone and next to soft tissue swelling.
  • Don't forget the orbits.
  • Small or subtle infarcts can be hard to see, especially cerebellum or deep grey.
  • Look out for incidental masses, especially midline(sella/nasopharynx/falx/pineal). Some meningiomas may be isodense or mimic SDH.